At each antenatal check-up, measure the fundal height to see if the baby is growing at a normal rate. This should be done during the first antenatal check-up. If you were unable to figure out her due date from her last normal menstrual period (LNMP), measuring the fundal height can help you figure out a probable due date. If you were able to figure out the due date from the mother’s last monthly bleeding, measuring the height of the top of the uterus can help you see if this due date is probably correct. How many months the woman is pregnant now.Measuring the fundal height will show you three things: This is a much more accurate way of estimating fetal growth than weighing the mother. When you measure how high the top of the uterus has reached in the mother’s abdomen, you are measuring the fundal height.
Do you remember what the domed region at the top of the uterus is called? (You learned this in Study Session 3.)